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Block Island Fishworks
& Fort Island Kayaks and SUP's
Call Us 401-466-5392 or 401-742-3992 BIFISHWORKS@GMAIL.COM

In loving memory of Wendy Northup
July 27, 28 2024
Multi-species Tournament targeting Striped Bass, Bluefish, Black Sea Bass and Fluke

This tournament is catch & release for striped bass and bluefish. A photo of the fish with the regulation measuring device will be uploaded to the tournament smart phone app. Real time results will be available. Fish must be entered immediately after capture with the location logged when photo is taken.
Over $10,000 in Tournament prizes
Youth division (under 13 years old) one prize for each shore species (2 prizes), and one prize for each boat species (4 prizes). $200 in gear and tackle.
Adult shore division 1st ($500 in gear and tackle) for shore division species bluefish and striped bass.
Adult boat division, 1st ($500in gear and tackle)) for four boat division species (striped bass, bluefish, fluke and black sea bass).
Fly fishing shore division, 1st ($200 in gear and tackle) for shore division species bluefish and striped bass.
Fly fishing boat division, 1st ($200 in gear and tackle) for boat division species bluefish and striped bass.
Wind farm photo division, three photo prizes ($200 gift card), all taken in wind farm area with wind farm in photo… most scenic, best fish, and best team photo.
Team prize: The team that gets the most tournament prizes (including youth, adult and photo divisions) will be awarded the team price of a $500 gift card.
Fishing inside the Block Island three mile limit, including the wind farm.

100 % of registration fees will benefit the Volunteer Block Island Fire and Rescue Department

Hosted by Captain Chris Willi and
Block Island Fishworks & Capt. Nicks Rock N Roll Bar
Co-sponsored by;


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