Block Island Fishworks
& Fort Island Kayaks and SUP's
Call Us 401-466-5392 or 401-742-3992 BIFISHWORKS@GMAIL.COM

Capt. Christopher Willi has been a Block Island premier fishing guide for over 20 years. He's a Rhode Island native and a graduate of URI with a B.S. in Wildlife Biology and Management. Chris has lived and fished on Block Island since 1992, began guiding the fantastic Block Island beaches in 1998, and opened a tackle store on Ocean Avenue in 2002. Chris holds a USCG Masters License and is a certified guide by the I.G.F.A.. He is the only resident guide which specializes in light tackle and fly fishing and runs trips from from New Harbor and Old Harbor in his 23' May-Craft, 'Jessica Kate'. The addition of Harley, a 33' Young Brothers allows larger parties to target bass, fluke, seabass, porgy, as well as striped bass and bluefish. He's fished up and down the East Coast, Colorado, Utah, Hawaii, Gulf of Mexico, and as far away as Japan. Chris is an advocate of recreational fishing conservation and responsible commercial fishing practices. Catching and releasing striped bass is highly encouraged as they are invaluable to the future of the fishery. Chris welcomes all abilities and enjoys getting the 'new comer' hooked on the sport of fishing.
Contributing speaker for SaltWater Sportsmans 2017 & 2019 Seminar Series
Featured on New England Fishing edition "Fishing the Windfarm"
Contributing author in 'Block Island Stripers' by Al Anderson
Featured in Max Watmans book - 'Harvest: Field Notes from a Far-Flung Pursuit of Real Food'
Featured in On the Water TV season 10 'Block Island Stripers'