Block Island Fishworks
& Fort Island Kayaks and SUP's
Call Us 401-466-5392 or 401-742-3992 BIFISHWORKS@GMAIL.COM
WHEN; Start time is Sunrise on Saturday, July 27th and ends at 12 noon on Sunday July 28th.
There will be a Zoom meeting for Captain’s and participating angler meeting at a time TBD. We will go through the Tournament App online and review the Tournament Rules.
Captains’ Bags will be mailed to participants in advance or can be picked up from participating tackle shops on Block Island or the mainland.
WHERE: fishing is limited to inside the three mile line around
Block Island. All fish must be caught within this boundary (includes the Block Island Wind Farm). Check your GPS and chart as you fish because the wind farm abuts the three mile limit and fishing must occur within the three mile limit.

Entry Format: This is a ‘measured length’ Tournament only, entries do not have to be weighed.
To enter a fish, it must be measured and photographed against the tournament measuring device. Photos must be taken through the tournament smartphone app and capture the full length of the fish against the ruler.
Anglers will compete individually – each participating angler’s name must be registered with the tournament in advance.
In the boat division there will be one team prize for the boat that places highest across all categories. Each team can have up to four anglers (there is no requirement to fill all for spots on a vessel). With vessels that have more than four, only tournament prizes from the same four anglers designated on the tournament application will be counted toward the team prize.

Only fish that meet Rhode Island Fishing regulation minimum possession limit sizes can be entered in the tournament (striped bass 28”, fluke 19”, black sea bass 16.5”, and bluefish (tournament established minimum size of 20”).
Because this is ‘measured length’ tournament only and fish are not weighed good catch & release practices are urged for all fish caught and released, particularly bluefish and striped bass. Further, please note that striped bass out of the 28" to less than 31" slot - that are caught, measured, and entered - must be released, per Rhode Island regulations.